Well, judging from the information I've heard from people with an ear to Japanese news feeds, radiation levels are within what is to be expected from an emergency steam purge (about like flying in an airplane from one coast to another, or living near a coal plant), and are falling instead of rising, so containment seems to be fine.
The thing that is giving them trouble is that the tsunami fouled up plumbing.
You can engineer for a Magnitude 9 quake. Ten meters of water coming in and carrying most of Sendai with it however is a bit more complicated.
- Grumpy Uncle Gearhead
The thing that is giving them trouble is that the tsunami fouled up plumbing.
You can engineer for a Magnitude 9 quake. Ten meters of water coming in and carrying most of Sendai with it however is a bit more complicated.
- Grumpy Uncle Gearhead