Sorry for the thread necro, but something else happened.
Yesterday, my screen really started flickering badly. It settled down and was fine after a few minutes, but later on, it started doing it again, then went totally black. I tried restarting it, but I got no screen. We're taking it to the repair shop today, but I wanted an opinion; should I just get a new laptop after this?
Also, my mom thinks this happened because of an virus on Youtube. (I use Firefox). Is there any truth to this?
Brian Yaple
Brian Y.
Seed Chronicles
Yesterday, my screen really started flickering badly. It settled down and was fine after a few minutes, but later on, it started doing it again, then went totally black. I tried restarting it, but I got no screen. We're taking it to the repair shop today, but I wanted an opinion; should I just get a new laptop after this?
Also, my mom thinks this happened because of an virus on Youtube. (I use Firefox). Is there any truth to this?
Brian Yaple
Brian Y.
Seed Chronicles