Quote:speed kills*.
Which is untrue on the face of it. Distracted Driving kills, lack of training kills, and impaired driving kills.
Repeal all non-school speed limits (or just convert them into advisory), and start enforcing tailgating and reckless laws, and fatalities (and revenue) would plummet.
So we'll never see that.
My current game plan is to fab a bracket that will bolt in under the existing sunvisor bracket, and hold the Nook against the windshield (where the sunvisor goes when it's folded down). This puts it within eye-change vs. head-change range, and the sunvisor is a stout enough mount point that it ain't going nowhere, if I fab a decent bracket. I can tap power off of the existing powered-rear-view-mirror, and adapt that out to 5v/micro USB for power. Everything else happens via wireless or onboard sensors.
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman