sweno Wrote:I fail to see the need for a helmet if you are trying to deal with amputations/prothesis.True, very true.
There is already a large system of nerves in place that people have spent their entire lives learning to use. It makes more sense (at least to me) to hook up to that.
I remember a video (that my google skills have failed to find) where a person with an upper arm amputation had the nerves that used to lead to their hand rewired to a series of patches on their chest. Those patches of skin where then used as feedback points for tactile sensors from that hand, so the patent could tell when and how hard something was being gripped.
But I wonder if it can be done both ways? Sometimes the nerve endings might be dead in that arm, or something else odd might happen.
What you stated sounds interesting though, as for most cases it sounds like it would work, if they can connect it right. But control would be needed.
It makes me wonder why it is not done at the very least for the greedy rich who always get the best health care when they lose an arm or a leg...
As for the Helmet, I figure that the one sensor they use on the head set its probably cheap compared to the more complex or accurate ones, if they are going to sale this on the market they most likely would want it to be durable.
So, higher quality and more memory/procession power normally means bigger and bulkier machines. If a head set gets too big, they will need to make it into a helmet. That is my reasoning.
Veni, vidi, vici. [I came, I saw, I conquered
Quote from Julius Caesar