More like a "We ARE the government, and we will use the titles of our best SEAL team as we please."
Disney is nothing compared to the military when it comes to legal fights, and Disney had no right to try and profit off of SEAL team 6, so it would have been way too easy to handle Disney.
Really, all the military had to do was smear Disney and call them un American, saying that SEAL team six is a way for recruitment, and that it would be unreasonable to have to pay Disney to advertise their own team. It would be like Donald Trump trying to trademark the names of the New York City firefighters that worked on ground Zero on 9/11, not reasonalbe, and incredibly stupid to even try.
Its a good thing they gave up without a fuss, or they would have legally been bended over and by the US lawyers faster then picking up the bar of soap in prison.
Then it comes down to the money, How many army, navy, air force, ect, moms and wives would have their kids not go to Disney land and not let the kids watch Disney channel just out of moral? After all, anyone who they won't help any business that works against the military, some of them had the fathers and husbands die for the nation, it would be very bad business if they did it.
Veni, vidi, vici. [I came, I saw, I conquered
Quote from Julius Caesar
Disney is nothing compared to the military when it comes to legal fights, and Disney had no right to try and profit off of SEAL team 6, so it would have been way too easy to handle Disney.
Really, all the military had to do was smear Disney and call them un American, saying that SEAL team six is a way for recruitment, and that it would be unreasonable to have to pay Disney to advertise their own team. It would be like Donald Trump trying to trademark the names of the New York City firefighters that worked on ground Zero on 9/11, not reasonalbe, and incredibly stupid to even try.
Its a good thing they gave up without a fuss, or they would have legally been bended over and by the US lawyers faster then picking up the bar of soap in prison.
Then it comes down to the money, How many army, navy, air force, ect, moms and wives would have their kids not go to Disney land and not let the kids watch Disney channel just out of moral? After all, anyone who they won't help any business that works against the military, some of them had the fathers and husbands die for the nation, it would be very bad business if they did it.
Veni, vidi, vici. [I came, I saw, I conquered
Quote from Julius Caesar