I can get there alright, it's just a matter of sometimes going a little bit too high or low.... I've been able to get rockets up, around, and make a safe landing within sight of the launchpad again.
A two-tank liquid rocket on to of a triple-couple of two-tank liquid rockets is usually enough to get them up. Just don't accidentally stage it when you're up there and leave them stranded. A fat-tank and 5 liquid rockets will also get you motoring at some fierce speed.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
A two-tank liquid rocket on to of a triple-couple of two-tank liquid rockets is usually enough to get them up. Just don't accidentally stage it when you're up there and leave them stranded. A fat-tank and 5 liquid rockets will also get you motoring at some fierce speed.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?