That's something of a bug. I had it happen to myself if I ever close the lid, lock my computer, or have Windows UAC pop up when I try do something else.
Escape velocity for Kearth is about 3.3km/sec, if I recall right, so they would've eventually come back down to solid ground, but it would've taken quite a while to do it. Usually in those situations I just stick on a little bit of Space Oddity, and leave them to it.... eternally plunging through the void.
I can just about get them up into orbit, but can't exactly control where in orbit. it's usually around 50km up.
The sun isn't actually there, it's just a background image away off in infinity. if you left it running, you'd never reach it.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
Escape velocity for Kearth is about 3.3km/sec, if I recall right, so they would've eventually come back down to solid ground, but it would've taken quite a while to do it. Usually in those situations I just stick on a little bit of Space Oddity, and leave them to it.... eternally plunging through the void.
I can just about get them up into orbit, but can't exactly control where in orbit. it's usually around 50km up.
The sun isn't actually there, it's just a background image away off in infinity. if you left it running, you'd never reach it.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?