You know, I only ever tried the cut down version of the rules in GURPS Mecha a couple of times, never the full on Vehicles construction rules and I can still feel the tentacles writhing through my mind. The scariest thing though, was that our regular GM back then would stat out every vehicle in the game he was current;y running, or was considering running. He actually seemed to enjoy it.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to find a corner to gibber in.
Sure, the U.S. has created amazing amounts of crap, but nothing
compares with the sheer horror of those two words.
-- Mark "Kamikaze" Hughes on Canada
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to find a corner to gibber in.
Sure, the U.S. has created amazing amounts of crap, but nothing
compares with the sheer horror of those two words.
-- Mark "Kamikaze" Hughes on Canada