Actually, the resolution is getting pretty good on these little DIY machines: Here for example.
And, I bit the bullet. I'm roughly 1/3 through building my pieced-together Prusa already (just started two weeks ago, and on Friday they released the much-improved 2.0 design, AARGH!), but the Hux looks like a good hedge against my lack of mechanical building skills on the Prusa.
Plus, I'm really toying around with the idea of approaching my local (semi-rural) Junior-high and high-schools about STEM stuff, and having an extra working 3D printer just to carry around to schools and (hopefully) light up student imaginations could be very good.
And, I bit the bullet. I'm roughly 1/3 through building my pieced-together Prusa already (just started two weeks ago, and on Friday they released the much-improved 2.0 design, AARGH!), but the Hux looks like a good hedge against my lack of mechanical building skills on the Prusa.
Plus, I'm really toying around with the idea of approaching my local (semi-rural) Junior-high and high-schools about STEM stuff, and having an extra working 3D printer just to carry around to schools and (hopefully) light up student imaginations could be very good.