tjalorak Wrote:Only one chapter thus far, but it's hilarious. Remember the spell that calls people from elsewhere into the 'verse? Well, let's just say Vash, Ranma, Evangeline, Honey, and a cabbit got called in to ... 'help' in Those Who Hunt Elves. ... non_Seraph
I sorta want to like this one, but it breaks down when I don't see how Airi & Co. would need to or want to force the newcomers to go home.
(That, and I think Vash would *want* to go home...)
Moving on. In one of the recent chapters of "Away to Neverland", the author recommended the works of Iced Fairy, which you may have looked into already. But if not, I'll add my recommendation. Some of them are based on things I don't think make sense (par for the course with Touhou, the series where not even canon seems sure what's canon), but still. I particularly liked "The Devil's Due" and "Makai Shopping Trip". (In the last chapter of the second, Yuki sounds like she's the overseer in a Dwarf Fortress LP...)
Some people have Worm SIs with phenomenal cosmic power.
My Worm SI is Emma and Madison's therapist.
My Worm SI is Emma and Madison's therapist.