ClassicDrogn Wrote:Overall, though, my biggest GM-BWAH!? induction would have to be when our 1st level D&D group, having faced and defeated a hatchling white dragon who'd somehow been captured and kept as a pet by some Kobolds, then escaped deeper into the dungeon - when we came upon them, they were searching around calling for it (sharight) and we Bwah?ed him by having my half-orc Mystic (who knew undercommon and gobbledy) ask them what the problem was, then decided to help them find their pet - we picked up Meepa as NPC guide - and after finding the dragon (Meepa got iced, literally, during the battle, poor brave kobold hero!) we decided to tie the dragon up, heal it to 1hp, and .... I forget what, but basically we captured it and the Barbarian slung it on his back to haul away like loot.We had Fritz, the goblin who spoke 13 languages. He was a loyal lackey of our resident nobility, Sir Carmichael the Better-Than-You (not a paladin, surprisingly, and not actually the only nobility, just the only nobility not in exile from his homeland). When Fritz died bravely during a fighting retreat from superior forces, Sir Carmichael was allowed to utter that most geeky of lines: "Fritz! They killed Fritz!"
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."