Someone spent a lot of time at the range.
The screw ups shown by the other archers are by the numbers - arrow drift, losing the rest, improper release, the works.
The technique they show her using is damn near perfect; draw, fixed draw-point under the ear; relaxed release, no plucking the string, nicely done.
And yes, arrows do just that when released. Watch about 2 minutes in. At 2:30 there is an amazing shot and some nice slow motion on the arrow.
My dvd of the Adventures of Robin Hood has some footage of Howard Hill - who is for my money the greatest archer of the last century. Amazing stuff. Simple longbow shooting with no special gear at all. ... re=related
The screw ups shown by the other archers are by the numbers - arrow drift, losing the rest, improper release, the works.
The technique they show her using is damn near perfect; draw, fixed draw-point under the ear; relaxed release, no plucking the string, nicely done.
And yes, arrows do just that when released. Watch about 2 minutes in. At 2:30 there is an amazing shot and some nice slow motion on the arrow.
My dvd of the Adventures of Robin Hood has some footage of Howard Hill - who is for my money the greatest archer of the last century. Amazing stuff. Simple longbow shooting with no special gear at all. ... re=related