blackaeronaut Wrote:Anyone with a referrer tag that indicates Texas will get the ending with a tornado. The girl is, of course, completely freaked out.I once thought that in choosing my disaster, I'd pick an earthquake over a tornado. My reasoning at the time was that in the aftermath of an earthquake, no matter the state of your residence and belongings, it's all still right there where you left it. Whereas with a tornado, if you suffer a direct hit, likely as not your stuff will be scattered over dozens of square miles and who knows if you'll see any of it ever again.
Funny thing. My ex-girlfriend in Japan said she'd rather have earthquakes over tornadoes. I argue that at least you can see a tornado coming with enough time to grab the survival kit and take shelter. I have yet to ask her thoughts on the matter after that perfect disaster last year.
Of course, after seeing the aftermath of the earthquake, tsunami, and radiation leak cascade of disasters that befell Japan last year, I had to revise my opinion. o_o;