I'm probably currently a Hotaru-GM for I've a variety of gaming things but no clue on when I can use 'em. I mean I've got decks of ST/SW:CCG, Mechwarrior - heroclick & card game, the BGC RPG, I've got a GURPS book or two and a M:TG deck around here somewhere too.
Actually the only game I can get regularly is tabletop minis of the GW family mainly due to having a nearby GW store. Yes, I play the ultrasmurfs - badly - at a location where it's mainly GK, BA, BrR, IG, with the odd sightings of CSM, Necrons, DE & Eldar, followed by 'Nyds, Orks & Tau.
Heh, it could be worse I might be wanting a SoB army....which for some reason I'm thinking of as doing for an Armies on Parade board. Which I doubt I could do justice to, for I'm currently probably a better modeller than a painter.
Actually the only game I can get regularly is tabletop minis of the GW family mainly due to having a nearby GW store. Yes, I play the ultrasmurfs - badly - at a location where it's mainly GK, BA, BrR, IG, with the odd sightings of CSM, Necrons, DE & Eldar, followed by 'Nyds, Orks & Tau.
Heh, it could be worse I might be wanting a SoB army....which for some reason I'm thinking of as doing for an Armies on Parade board. Which I doubt I could do justice to, for I'm currently probably a better modeller than a painter.