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Another programming issue (head-banging-against-wall time)
I'm not sure if the WMP issue and the transparency issue you mention are the same issue, but, in case they're different:

Transparency on Win7 got all sorts of mucked up with the Aero theme.  What we found (C#, not VB.NET, but they should function identically, I'd think) is that the TransparencyKey property of the form needs to be set to Color.Gray (which of course affects all 'should be transparent' things, so it may involve a fair bit of work -- for some reason I remember us using Green, I think.  Blegh.).

I'm working from memory here, so IIRC and all that. Smile

--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs

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[No subject] - by Bob Schroeck - 04-27-2012, 02:47 PM
[No subject] - by Sofaspud - 04-27-2012, 06:48 PM
[No subject] - by Bob Schroeck - 04-27-2012, 06:52 PM

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