Since you are here and reading about a super-hero(Doug), Wearing the Cape by Marion G. Harmon and Death to the Centurion by Mike Misercola.
I have all the Nick Pollota books on my Nook: That Darn Squid God, Full Moonster, Damned Nation, and so on.
This site also has a lot of stuff set up for both the epub and mobi formats:
Definitley needed if you want to know what really went on in ZnT.
I can't help you with a Kindle that much, since I chose the Nook(slot for a memory card and I can drive up to Barnes & Noble if the battery goes bad).
Tom Mathews aka Disruptor
I have all the Nick Pollota books on my Nook: That Darn Squid God, Full Moonster, Damned Nation, and so on.
This site also has a lot of stuff set up for both the epub and mobi formats:
Definitley needed if you want to know what really went on in ZnT.
I can't help you with a Kindle that much, since I chose the Nook(slot for a memory card and I can drive up to Barnes & Noble if the battery goes bad).
Tom Mathews aka Disruptor