The Wanderer Wrote:Quote:jpub wrote:Not quite entirely thought through, though - or if it was, then McGonagall was leaving some points out in the interests of safety.
re: Methods of Rationality
I love how Less Wrong has made such massive effort to expand on the mechanics of the HP universe. The transfiguration lecture was *terrifying*.
Specifically, on the "never Transfigure anything into a liquid under any circumstances", I kept waiting for Harry to ask "what about Transfiguring one liquid into another?". There are still reasons why that could be dangerous, depending on the exact liquids involved, but as far as I could tell none of the reasons she gave in the lecture still apply...
how about mercury to water? or heavy water to h2o?
i think transfiguring one liquid into another would still fall under "never T anything into a liquid" even if it started out as a liquid
-Z, Post-reader at Medium
If architects built buildings the way programmers write programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.