Sorry about that. The most important things to get ahold of are the errata, and the setting book (the Compass) for the Direction you want to run your game in, as you already have the Core. Second is the other splatbooks (the books for the non-Solar types of Exalts), for use as NPCs. There are some sample powers given in the Core so you can use them, but you get a bigger choice of powers with the dedicated book. Third tier is the MoJ type setting books (MoJ, and some 1e stuff, mostly), and after that, the other Compasses. The Compasses give a good breakdown of the locations, history and other stuff, but you'll want to take a look at these books to get a feel for what Creation looks like from the ground.
Is that less scary? I hope so, I don't want to scare you away.
You can play a good game with just the Core and the errata, but there are so many little details scattered around the other books, which just add to the richness of the setting, I felt it would be wrong of me not to mention them. After all, the Core doesn't even mention the Infernal Exalts, or the Alchemicals.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
Is that less scary? I hope so, I don't want to scare you away.
You can play a good game with just the Core and the errata, but there are so many little details scattered around the other books, which just add to the richness of the setting, I felt it would be wrong of me not to mention them. After all, the Core doesn't even mention the Infernal Exalts, or the Alchemicals.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.