We were *thiiiiiiiiiiiiis close* to switching to CenturyLink this week. Their bundles looked amazing. I mean, $80 a month for 20Mbps Internet and 150-channel TV? Who wouldn't want that?
Then we got on the phone with them, and the bait-and-switch started up. By the end of the conversation (over an hour later), we'd lost a handful of features, and found out that it was $80/month for a year, and $130 a month after that.
We dropped a few TV channels with Comcast, and got down to that price within 20 minutes.
My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.
I've been writing a bit.
Then we got on the phone with them, and the bait-and-switch started up. By the end of the conversation (over an hour later), we'd lost a handful of features, and found out that it was $80/month for a year, and $130 a month after that.
We dropped a few TV channels with Comcast, and got down to that price within 20 minutes.
My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.
I've been writing a bit.