Quote:I'm worried that I may also be somewhat autistic. I have loner tendencies and I have extreme difficulty relating with people. It's weird that I can be polite and sociable with strangers... case in point where when I was cranking for the mess decks on my ship and we made a major port visit to Vladivostok on the Russian's Victory Day - huge political deal, complete with Ambassadors visiting the ship for a dinner party hosted on the flight deck. I chatted up a US Navy Captain and his wife while serving. They were so charmed that they brought me over to my CO to say just how so.
And yet, there are times I put my foot in my mouth so badly that people give me these looks as though to say, "What in God's name is your malfunction?"
At the very least, I can reassure you that this is perfectly normal. I do it all the time myself. So does everyone.
Depression wise.... people really don't talk about it over here. You're already a leg up on about 90% of Irish sufferers to even mention it to someone. Whether that's positive or not, I'm not sure.
All I can say is, what I thought might've been depression was more a sense of ennui and frustration at a lack of movement in my life.... things have changed now that I'm working
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?