Logan Darklighter Wrote:I don't know why, but I get the impression that he just LIKES using the handheld binocs. Nobody else seems to use them. It may be just a personal thing with him?Or, as I said last time it came up, it strikes me as bascily an augmented reality viewer that displays what the ship sensors show on that bering via a portable view device so Tactical can be thinking about the Tactics, rather than bugging the other section heads for what he needs.
They do seem to be a high tech item themselves and not just a set of lenses. Maybe they're almost as good at Mark 1 eyeball enhancement as the ship sensors? Maybe he just wants a personal view and doesn't want to take time and resources away from the sensors/tactical ops guy? (I think that's "Eager" to use the Star Blazers name for him - the slightly portly guy in the green on white who sits on the far right next to Sandor and Nova).
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-
-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children