Consider also that this is a vessel that - if not exactly the same in terms of arrangement and configuration of armor and bulkheads - is built to... let us say... the same STANDARD as... the original Yamato class battleship.
According to wikipedia, when the Yamato was sunk in April 1945 - "From the first attack at 12:37 to the explosion at 14:23, Yamato was hit by at least eleven torpedoes and six bombs. Two more torpedo and bomb hits are possible, but unconfirmed."
Which tracks pretty well with other estimates I've heard over the years that claimed as many as thirteen torpedoes directly hit her. And if her forward magazine hadn't exploded (practically ripping the ship in half right there) she might STILL have remained afloat for many more hours than she did.
BTW - in looking up the above information, you may be amused to note that I started typing out in Google, "what did it take to sink..."
And Google auto-completed "...the Yamato" for me.
So ah... yeah... ^.^;
According to wikipedia, when the Yamato was sunk in April 1945 - "From the first attack at 12:37 to the explosion at 14:23, Yamato was hit by at least eleven torpedoes and six bombs. Two more torpedo and bomb hits are possible, but unconfirmed."
Which tracks pretty well with other estimates I've heard over the years that claimed as many as thirteen torpedoes directly hit her. And if her forward magazine hadn't exploded (practically ripping the ship in half right there) she might STILL have remained afloat for many more hours than she did.
BTW - in looking up the above information, you may be amused to note that I started typing out in Google, "what did it take to sink..."
And Google auto-completed "...the Yamato" for me.
So ah... yeah... ^.^;