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Sequential art reqs & stuff
Sequential art reqs & stuff
I swear I'd seen or created a thread on this topic, but I can't find it -lost in the fora crash? Well then I'd best start a new one.

Right, I suppose I'm a bit everywhere in my grabbing of things to read from the mainstream or not. I've not picked up a non-digital monthly issue in years and have no doubt missed the big universe shake ups in the process of getting trades of my titles of interest.

So, I was recently surprised to see on the shelf the complete run of Hitman finally available as trades - yes, welcome to late 90s-turn of the century DC & early Garth Ennis. I still find it good and convenient that it completes my collection of trades & those individual issues I've got can stay bagged in the box.

Superman/Batman, I've still not completed getting those yet along with Gotham City Sirens, Cassandra Cain Batgirl run....

Over at's still Deadpool and lately X23

IDW: the odd Transformers title and I should probably get my hands on their MLP:Fim book

AP: Gold Digger, I still don't think I've got the complete run as I know there's Gold Bricks I've missed.

Red 5: I'm currently up to date with Atomic Robo, same with over at Dark Horse with Oh My Goddess (and a guilty pleasure Empowered - DYW!)

Now the question is have I missed anything interesting that's a must get in what ever format?


Messages In This Thread
Sequential art reqs & stuff - by Rod.H - 11-04-2012, 06:59 PM
[No subject] - by robkelk - 11-04-2012, 10:37 PM
[No subject] - by ECSNorway - 11-05-2012, 01:57 AM

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