Welp, it is out & having seen a late show at the local Alamo (an experience I highly recommend if there's one nearby btw; instead of the usual dopey trivia cards and adverts they showed a mash-up reel of old fan films and cartoons) here's a quick and dirty capsule review.
* The plot's pretty straightforward; once you get past the big twist (recommend not going into this one spoiled fwiw) it's not very complicated. But it moves fast and doesn't waste a lot of time on explaining shit. Think of it like an expanded TOS storyline.
* And like a TOS story, it's got a Message and it's about as subtle as a bag of hammers with it. Be prepared to roll with it.
* Acting's stepped up a couple notches from the last movie. God's honest truth, Chris Pine has a couple scenes that I didn't think he was capable of pulling off period, let alone as well as he did.
* Into Darkness does a surprisingly good job of making the future look like a place where people live in, not just starships and the occasional alien.
* That said, the Enterprise is a sexy beast and Abrams knows it, considering how many (glorious!) fanservice shots there are of her.
All in all, I would recommend it. How much you'll enjoy it probably depends on how much you like Trek '09 or how tightly you cling to the original canon.
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery
FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information
"I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"
* The plot's pretty straightforward; once you get past the big twist (recommend not going into this one spoiled fwiw) it's not very complicated. But it moves fast and doesn't waste a lot of time on explaining shit. Think of it like an expanded TOS storyline.
* And like a TOS story, it's got a Message and it's about as subtle as a bag of hammers with it. Be prepared to roll with it.
* Acting's stepped up a couple notches from the last movie. God's honest truth, Chris Pine has a couple scenes that I didn't think he was capable of pulling off period, let alone as well as he did.
* Into Darkness does a surprisingly good job of making the future look like a place where people live in, not just starships and the occasional alien.
* That said, the Enterprise is a sexy beast and Abrams knows it, considering how many (glorious!) fanservice shots there are of her.
All in all, I would recommend it. How much you'll enjoy it probably depends on how much you like Trek '09 or how tightly you cling to the original canon.
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery
FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information
"I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"