Scalia is the oldest? Ouch. I have to admit I resorted a bit of ethnic profiling with regard to him (the picture I thought looked most like a stereotype of Italian), because otherwise I had NO idea.
Of course, being able to match Justices' names to faces isn't in itself really a very good measure of civic knowledge. It would be more appropriate and useful to test our awareness of whether and how much each generally leans to left or right. [pause] Oh, dear. I wouldn't do enormously well on that measure, either.
Big Brother is watching you. And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
Of course, being able to match Justices' names to faces isn't in itself really a very good measure of civic knowledge. It would be more appropriate and useful to test our awareness of whether and how much each generally leans to left or right. [pause] Oh, dear. I wouldn't do enormously well on that measure, either.
Big Brother is watching you. And damn, you are so bloody BORING.