Hmm, easy. I got a 67. The only things I "missed" were not having enough cash to do philanthropy, and there not being enough off-year elections in California for me to get the full 20 points. I'm not sure being able to recognize the blurry faces of the nine justices is really the best test for citizenship. I'd prefer to throw in a few questions like "Which of these primates is most closely related to humans" and "what is the value of c in E = mc²", myself.
All of you who aren't American, I'm quite impressed at the scores you got. I can't name a single member of the UK's Supreme Court or High Court, nor anyone who has been elected to serve in Canberra.
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All of you who aren't American, I'm quite impressed at the scores you got. I can't name a single member of the UK's Supreme Court or High Court, nor anyone who has been elected to serve in Canberra.
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