Quote:Bob Schroeck wrote:Yeah, we ran out of de-icer back before Christmas and I think it's a little scarce around here too. Though I did see a big bag of Morton's "Safety Salt" over at the Circle K last week. We've been lucky, since we have a short driveway, we've managed without. We do have a couple of 5 lb. boxes of the stuff that I got some time ago for ice cream making that I'm keeping in mind, should the roads get icier than they have been. Of course, right now it's about 40 degrees and we're getting lots of melt. Hopefully, we can avoid any further accumulation.
Rod's right on the money. We stopped in last night at the only place I'd seen ice melt for sale in the past few days, and they were all out.
Turns out to be less critical than we thought it would be -- we got about an inch and a half of snow/sleet and then lots of rain. I've already cleared my driveway of what I described to my boss as "a couple tons of dirt-flavored slurpee" -- and I had the foresight last night to put tarps over my car and my front walk. It's over freezing, too, and it looks like some of the ice that was out there earlier is melting already.
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."