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So I know a few people here brew...

But I'm curious as to what people actually like to drink.

Recently, I've been slipping into Whiskey out of a need to cut back on my beer drinking because that was getting expensive, but I've still got time for some particularly delicious beers. And while I tend to prefer Lagers, my favourite still has to be Guinness. But a very specific Guinness. The standard Draught Pint available in many pubs and bars around the world is just watery, burnt, bogwater compared to the true Guinness, the thick roast treacle that is Foreign Extra Stout. It's everything that Guinness should be, with far more sweetness to it than the base Guinness draft, even if the hop-level has been cut up. There's just a monster amount of flavour in there, so tat even a numb-tongue like myself can tell the difference. Mouthfeel is like a thin treacle, clinging to the tongue and lingering when the basic draught just washes off and is gone.

The thing is, all Guinness starts out like this. It's all brewed at a high gravity. It's just normally watered down for consumption before being kegged and shipped. If they made more

Diageo have been caught on the back foot by the emergence of the craft beer brewers, and they've responded by releasing a few new variants of the standard Guinness - supposedly based on 'rediscovered' recipes. But they've had the answer all along, hidden behind a golden yellow label. That nobody seems to know about. Do yourself a favour, try a bottle of FEX and see what Guinness is supposed to be before it becomes a watered-down mass-market commodity product. It's genuinely one of the best things I've ever had to drink. And prisingly few people know it exists - and those who do, normally associate it with the watered-down nitrogenised variant and just pass it over.

Just don't try too much. At 7.5% in the bottle, it packs a small punch. I just finished a pint of it. And you'll struggle to enjoy the standard brew again. My pint glass emptied, I have no more left. And the standard draught guinness is just a pale shadow of the real deal.

(And some full disclosure... I do have a source at the source..... ahem.)
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?

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Beer! - by Dartz - 10-23-2014, 11:11 PM

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