Ebony Wrote:Quote:Foxboy wrote:Hopefully Randi Harper doesn't get her abusive hooks into it. She's a queen of Entryism, and LOVES disproportionate retribution. Think of a techie version of Andrea Dworkin who's drunk the Kool-aid of the SCUM Manifesto.I was going to retaliate with some comments about Roosh V and assorted other wastes of tissue that infest the GamerGate side of playing field, but then I realized that I didn't know Randi Harper. So, I looked her up.
Let's just agree to hope that this League for Gamers doesn't attract any extremists, and go with that.
I wouldn't worry.
Roosh and the MRA's don't really care, they are just parasiting on Gamergate from their own little enclaves and are nowhere to be found.
As for Randi, nah, don;t worry: One, it was founded by several pro-GG people, and even though they are neutral so long as you love games, that alone is a massive spraying of "Off". Further, not only is Randi biting her nails over part 3 of the expose being written about her on Breitbart, even the FreeBSD community is considering her a toxic influence at this point.
In short, coast is clear gents, just sign up and have fun around the watercooler.
Roosh and the MRA's don't really care, they are just parasiting on Gamergate from their own little enclaves and are nowhere to be found.
As for Randi, nah, don;t worry: One, it was founded by several pro-GG people, and even though they are neutral so long as you love games, that alone is a massive spraying of "Off". Further, not only is Randi biting her nails over part 3 of the expose being written about her on Breitbart, even the FreeBSD community is considering her a toxic influence at this point.
In short, coast is clear gents, just sign up and have fun around the watercooler.