It struck me as being the most TOS-ish of the NuTrek movies. In that the conflict wasn't merely shoot-em-up action, but also had some real philosophical content. Rather shallow philosophical content, this being a Hollywood summer blockbuster, but still, it moved closer to TOS then the previous two films.
Plot holes large enough to drive a dreadnaught through, yes. But still fun, without giving me an uneasy feeling that I was betraying the ethos of Trek by enjoying it. This Kirk is closer to Original Kirk (or should that be Kirk Prime?) than ever before, in the sense that KP always had some real depth behind that flashy, confident exterior, and NuKirk has (before this film) always struck me as being skewed more towards the thoughtless-action, eyecandy end of the scale. In this film, I get a sense of NK finally growing into someone who could have pulled off "Balance of Terror" with thought, tactics, and determination, rather than just hot-dogging his way through on luck and guts.
Also, any movie that has me clapping my hands over my mouth to keep from shouting "SOUND GOLDFISH WARNING" in the theater, well....
Plot holes large enough to drive a dreadnaught through, yes. But still fun, without giving me an uneasy feeling that I was betraying the ethos of Trek by enjoying it. This Kirk is closer to Original Kirk (or should that be Kirk Prime?) than ever before, in the sense that KP always had some real depth behind that flashy, confident exterior, and NuKirk has (before this film) always struck me as being skewed more towards the thoughtless-action, eyecandy end of the scale. In this film, I get a sense of NK finally growing into someone who could have pulled off "Balance of Terror" with thought, tactics, and determination, rather than just hot-dogging his way through on luck and guts.
Also, any movie that has me clapping my hands over my mouth to keep from shouting "SOUND GOLDFISH WARNING" in the theater, well....