Here's the Hyborean frigate I've been working on. These small patrol and escort craft were built in huge numbers for the Liberation War, and provided many vital roles including convoy escort, raider, and scout. A generation later they are simply too small and fragile for general fleet work and their primary roles have been overtaken by the Picti destroyers and their descendants. The Navy maintains several dozen for training, courier, and other roles, but most are operated by system governments as local patrol vessels. They serve as the Kingdom's "coast guard", serving sailors in distress, handling customs and other mercantile enforcement duties, and so on. Dozens more have been demilitarized and sold to the general public.
Most system-patrol vessels have had their Fusion guns replaced by additional sensors and graser emplacements, but not all. A tiny handful designed as carrier escorts have extra graser mounts and an expanded shuttle bay replacing the fusion guns; these were intended to be able to provide repair and resupply to one or two fighters at a time to lighten the load on the carriers. Some of these are still used by the Navy for pilot training, but pity the poor pirate who things to slip past a customs frigate only to find a pair of fighters pouncing from behind an asteroid...
Welcoming suggestions for class names.
Because of the small size of the sculpt - less than 29mm long as printed - this model will only be available from Shapeways in Frosted Detail plastics. Even then it will be under $10 per model.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Most system-patrol vessels have had their Fusion guns replaced by additional sensors and graser emplacements, but not all. A tiny handful designed as carrier escorts have extra graser mounts and an expanded shuttle bay replacing the fusion guns; these were intended to be able to provide repair and resupply to one or two fighters at a time to lighten the load on the carriers. Some of these are still used by the Navy for pilot training, but pity the poor pirate who things to slip past a customs frigate only to find a pair of fighters pouncing from behind an asteroid...
Welcoming suggestions for class names.
Because of the small size of the sculpt - less than 29mm long as printed - this model will only be available from Shapeways in Frosted Detail plastics. Even then it will be under $10 per model.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.