Recently Binged:
Toradora (subbed)
2/3 of Eva (dubbed/ platinum ed)
Matoi the Sacred Slayer (subbed)
Ambition of PDA Nobuna (subbed, interesting possible romcom)
No game no life (subbed, pushes the siscon border a bit)
Nobunaga the fool (subbed, has definitely caught my interest)
Recently played catch up from the tail end of November till now on multiple fanfics and web comics, still have others to read.
Toradora (subbed)
2/3 of Eva (dubbed/ platinum ed)
Matoi the Sacred Slayer (subbed)
Ambition of PDA Nobuna (subbed, interesting possible romcom)
No game no life (subbed, pushes the siscon border a bit)
Nobunaga the fool (subbed, has definitely caught my interest)
Recently played catch up from the tail end of November till now on multiple fanfics and web comics, still have others to read.