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"It's always too soon to talk about gun control"
RE: "It's always too soon to talk about gun control"
No. You're about fifty years too late.

Irish Civil War. An Garda Siochana were founded as the State Police service, and were originally armed. They were disarmed and it was generally expected that nobody woul;d shoot them because shooting unarmed men was 'bad form'. This was proved correct. It made it clear they were there to protect people, detect crime and deal with actual criminals and not go full Black and Tan on a population who just the year before were having doors kicked in by Shell-Shocked Tans armed with military-surplus rifles.

It was national news for days the last time a Garda was killed in action - it's usually front page news for days when it happens. Subject to the usual sort of financial irregularities and the Traffic corps are called the Traffic Nazis for a reason, but they're generally a bunch of sound lads who'll help you home if you're staggared drunk and harmless.

This is, of course, based on the 'Policed by Consent' model. Rather than the 'Policied by wannabee soldiers with battle-rifles and full body-armour riding in ex-military combat trucks' model.
Oh sweet meteor of death
Fall upon us.
Deliver us in fire
To Peace everlasting.

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RE: "It's always too soon to talk about gun control" - by Dartz - 10-06-2017, 03:39 PM

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