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"It's always too soon to talk about gun control"
RE: "It's always too soon to talk about gun control"
@Blackaeronaut (because the quote system doesn't work properly)

Quote:Look at Japan's suicide rates and tell me people over there aren't stressed.

Also, if someone over there is REALLY of a mind to cause harm and mayhem, they typically use rented box vans and box cutter knives.

Of course they are stressed.

Their murder and mass murder spree rates are also substantially lower than the US' rates.

Quote:Please do something about Mental Health Care. Please do something about class inequality. Please for the love of god do something about the issue of racism in our country.

Then vote and be loud.

Also, the class inequality thing? That impacts the racism and mental health care issue in a major manner. Rich crazy people are either covered up or shoved into an asylum to keep them from causing trouble (and often enough both) while poor crazy people are left on their own with little to no support. The racism has been the cause of lowered opportunities for non-white people for centuries causing class inequality but it's fed right back into by the class inequality because it's difficult for non-whites to get the needed means to fight the racism without getting a pat on the head and told to shut up and get lost.

Quote:Removing guns from the picture will only make things worse.

It will only add to the stress.

It will only add to the stockpiling and the hoarding.

And we will only see even more massacres as even more people snap and lose it.


No seriously, that's an honest question. Why does removing guns make it all worse? Why will it make people more stressed? Why will it make people more prone to stockpiling and hoarding, and why will it cause more massacres? In a country, I note, that already has 1 mass shooting killing 4 people or more in a single event per day on average.

It won't stop all of it, but it might cut down a lot of it. Just look towards Australia, which greatly tightened gun controls after one massacre in 1996 and saw a sharp fall in gun related crime afterwards (also a decrease in crime in general, so extent of effect is debated).

Quote:And BTW: All signs are currently pointing at this guy being utterly stark raving bonkers. Looking at his methodologies, even if you had removed the option of guns, he would have probably have gone with something worse like pressure cooker bombs or pipe bombs. Or maybe even just driving a truck full of anfo right into the middle of the whole thing and pulling the trigger. Because he was already planning on killing himself.

Would those pressure cooker bombs or pipe bombs have had the same ability to kill 59 people and injure nearly 10 times that number? And if you think unusual ammonium nitrate purchases aren't tracked, especially when the same person or region also has an unusual diesel purchase you must believe the FBI very incompetent indeed. And that he was suicidal or stark raving mad doesn't mean you can just discard what he did, how he did and what tools he used to do it.

Quote:Please do not make this about guns.

Why not? It's the tool he used. Why should one not question how he got them, and if there's something that can be done structurally to limit access to guns for loons?

Quote:Yes, we have statistical evidence that the police force of the capital of Canada is not colourblind in this sense.

The question then is, what is the police doing with this information? Nothing? Or are they trying to find ways to limit and excise this bias?

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RE: "It's always too soon to talk about gun control" - by hazard - 10-10-2017, 05:18 PM

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