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"It's always too soon to talk about gun control"
RE: "It's always too soon to talk about gun control"
(10-10-2017, 11:12 AM)Black Aeronaut Wrote: Please do something about Mental Health Care. Please do something about class inequality. Please for the love of god do something about the issue of racism in our country.

We should be doing something about these issues anyway. The main problem lies in that a good chunk of the population:

A) Doesn't care because they believe they are not affected by these issues.
B) Prefer to leave things as they are, just out of spite.
C) Embrace ignorance to such a degree that even after disaster strikes, they still believe they are in the right.

They can be solved, but I am afraid that we will have to drag a lot of people kicking and screaming towards their solution.
“We can never undo what we have done. We can never go back in time. We write history with our decisions and our actions. But we also write history with our responses to those actions. We can leave the pain and the damage in our wake, unattended, or we can do the work of acknowledging and fixing, to whatever extent possible, the harm that we have caused.”

— On Repentance and Repair: Making Amends in an Unapologetic World by Danya Ruttenberg

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RE: "It's always too soon to talk about gun control" - by SilverFang01 - 10-10-2017, 05:20 PM

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