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Becoming more politically active…
RE: Becoming more politically active…

Have you listened to some of Trump's staff, as well as Trump, when it comes to how the president aught to be regarded?

As in, not to be questioned because he is great, powerful and willing to use it to force his subjects to serve him?

If that's not a statement that President Trump should be considered an absolute ruler who is to be obeyed blindly regardless of fact I don't know what is.

The way the Republicans are acting in regards to their donor class (and isn't that a loaded term) the formation of an aristocracy might well be underway. One that's not necessarily based on rank, or titles, but on money, and hereditary money at that. Facilitated by the passing along of specific, highly paying jobs in the business sphere. All the benefits of being an effective aristocracy without the bother of actually ruling the rabble; you just toss money at the politicians in charge and they'll do what you tell them to regardless of the population's wishes.

It might not be what you are wanting, but what you say you want? To some extent it's becoming true.

We'll just have to see if the general public will accept it, and if they don't accept it, if they can do anything about it.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Becoming more politically active… - by hazard - 12-21-2017, 12:38 AM

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