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The Purging ( Monster Girl Encyclopedia Fanfiction ) (NSFW)
RE: The Purging ( Monster Girl Encyclopedia Fanfiction )
Well... I'm going to be honest, it's kinda bad. Don't get discouraged though, no one is born knowing how to write, or sing, or draw, or dance, there's only quitters and the people who didn't give up before they got good, and the only way to improve is to keep on working. With that in mind, you get the Sephiroth Special heartless nitpicky omnislash proofread edit, and some commentary on the structure and plot.

First though, I suggest adding a "NSFW" warning to the topic title for those less familiar with MGE, since even without any explicit lewds so far there's words included that could trip filters and get people in trouble at work.

In general, online fiction should have an extra line between each paragraph due to the lack of indentation making them run together and become hard to read, with a small separator such as "- - -" for scene breaks where you would leave an extra line in more formally printed material, as multi-line gaps are only haphazardly preserved across different boards or hosting sites. Some will also unwrap lines with only a single carriage return instead of a double space together into a single giant blob, as well. in particular is infamous for stripping formatting and special characters and anything that even vaguely resembles a URL, and even if you're not planning to host it there it's better to get into the habits that will make for the least hassle for later projects or if you change your mind later.

Of course, anything I say here is merely my own opinion and I tend to overuse commas and run-ons in my own writing, so watch out for that if you do decide to adopt any of my more extensive suggestions.

Them's fightin' tunes!

As a general comment, these are probably not long enough to stand on their own as story parts, especially the single-paragraph-plus-a-line prologue. Writing a few hundred words may feel like it takes forever and a major accomplishment, but you should aim for 1500-2500 words as a minimum for a post. They are at least whole scenes and a reasonable introductory arc as a whole, so that's better than some stuff I've seen passed off as "complete" fic elsewhere. (coughcough pitofvoles cough) I tend to hold that chapters should have their own complete structure with a beginning, rising action, climax, and resolution like a TV episode, but can admit that it's objectively better to produce a small amount of material consistently than get bound up in that kind of worrying about length and not get anything done. Like me.

Hopefully, my comments here are helpful, rather than having impaled your will to keep writing on an improbably long katana. Goodness knows I have no room to throw stones as far as actually producing story posts is concerned.

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RE: The Purging ( Monster Girl Encyclopedia Fanfiction ) - by classicdrogn - 12-30-2017, 09:41 AM

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