Fake news, but it warms my heart.
According to Wolff, inside the White House they rate Trump's actions by how Twenty-fifth Amendment it feels. That being the amendment about removing a president for being unable to do the job.
The important thing to know about his book is that it's definitely a gossip book, but there are also interviews in there that provide good information that no one knew before. The other thing to consider is that most journalists can't stomach the people in the White House long enough to sit there and listen to all of their crap. So to get the scoop, it pretty much has to be a muckraker. Tracking the shifting power machinations of boring rich white men is kinda Michael Wolff's thing; it's unusual that we actually care this time. So that's the best inside look we'll get until the special prosecutor's report comes out.
"Kitto daijoubu da yo." - Sakura Kinomoto