Three days left for the Trinity Universe RPG Kickstarter, where you can get both the system Core Book (good for Jason Bourne style action campaigns) and the futuristic Aeon Setting book (which has all of the interesting Psionic rules). If you're a fan of the 1st edition Aeon RPG, the $15 electronic bundle option is up to 15 titles and access to the Kickstarter manuscript previews (which means you've got several hundred pages of rough draft text from both of the new books).
The PDF bundle includes:
•Trinity Rulebook 1E PDF
•Trinity Player’s Guide 1E PDF
•Trinity Technology Manual 1E PDF
•Trinity RPG Quickstart 1E PDF
•Trinity Field Report: Extrasolar Colonies 1E PDF
•Trinity Field Report: Alien Races 1E PDF
•Trinity Field Report: Psi Laws 1E PDF
•Trinity Field Report: Media 1E PDF
•Trinity Field Report: Oceania 1E PDF
•Trinity: Hidden Agendas 1E PDF
•Luna Rising: Psi Order ISRA & Luna Sourcebook 1E PDF
•America Offline: Psi Order Orgotek & FSA Sourcebook 1E PDF
•Terra Verde: Psi Order Norça and Sudamérica Sourcebook 1E PDF
•Shattered Europe: Psi Order Æsculapian & Europe Sourcebook 1E PDF
•Stellar Frontier: Psi Order Upeo wa Macho & Extrasolar space Sourcebook 1E PDF
The PDF bundle includes:
•Trinity Rulebook 1E PDF
•Trinity Player’s Guide 1E PDF
•Trinity Technology Manual 1E PDF
•Trinity RPG Quickstart 1E PDF
•Trinity Field Report: Extrasolar Colonies 1E PDF
•Trinity Field Report: Alien Races 1E PDF
•Trinity Field Report: Psi Laws 1E PDF
•Trinity Field Report: Media 1E PDF
•Trinity Field Report: Oceania 1E PDF
•Trinity: Hidden Agendas 1E PDF
•Luna Rising: Psi Order ISRA & Luna Sourcebook 1E PDF
•America Offline: Psi Order Orgotek & FSA Sourcebook 1E PDF
•Terra Verde: Psi Order Norça and Sudamérica Sourcebook 1E PDF
•Shattered Europe: Psi Order Æsculapian & Europe Sourcebook 1E PDF
•Stellar Frontier: Psi Order Upeo wa Macho & Extrasolar space Sourcebook 1E PDF
“I really hope I’m behind this convoluted mess; at least that way I’ll be able to get revenge by doing this to myself. I won’t even have to feel bad because it’ll be all my fault.” - Harry Potter, The Master of Death by Ryuugi.