Guys. What I am against is outright bans. They are not going to fix things, and will more likely than not make things worse.
What I am for, on the other hand, is better regulation. In fact, I would even dare say to regulate guns the way motor vehicles are.
All this I believe is very fair and just, and I believe will increase accountability to the point where shootings like these will largely become a thing of the past.
And additionally - I fail to understand why people ignore this so emphatically - YOU NEED TO TREAT THE DISEASE AND NOT JUST THE SYMPTOMS!
I would think that the Austin Bombings would be a clear enough indicator of this. He made those bombs entirely out of household materials and with no formal training whatsoever. When the police were approaching him, he intentionally killed himself using one of his own devices. And he has proven that bombs are a far more terrifying weapon than guns. Bombs are utterly indiscriminate when they detonate as their entire purpose is to spread as much damage in as wide of an area as possible. One of them detonated in a sorting facility. It did not care that it had not reached its destination.
You can see the mad man armed with assault weapons and carrying ballistic armor. You do not see the bomb coming. It is innocuous. It does not look out of place. You are not even aware of the possibility until it is too late. Spotting them requires a level of paranoia that, I believe, is emphatically unhealthy. You will always be worried about what is lurking, unseen.
People love to talk about bump stocks and how the Las Vegas shooter used them to such an effect. But what everyone doesn't discuss is the fact that this madman had 50 POUNDS OF TANNERITE IN HIS CAR!!! And all rigged so that he can blow it with a single gunshot.
Any and all of your arguments on this front are officially invalid. Bombs are not complex. They can be made entirely out of household products. Even the explosive itself can be easy to make, highly stable, and require only a basic initiator.
These products are all things that you cannot reasonably regulate without turning our nation into a police state, though I know some of you would argue that it already is.
The only fix for this is to treat the underlying disease. Otherwise... go ahead. Ban as many guns as you like. It won't matter in the end. Instead, you'll see more and more Mark Anthony Conditts. I will sit here and wonder how much worse it will get before anyone begins to wake up to the notion that there is something horribly wrong in our country that needs to be fixed, and no amount of bans will do it.
Stop trying to sweep the real problem under the rug! You want to honor the lives of those that have been lost? FIX THE REAL PROBLEM.
What I am for, on the other hand, is better regulation. In fact, I would even dare say to regulate guns the way motor vehicles are.
- They need to pass a safety inspection on a yearly basis.
- They need to be registered with the ATF and the registration needs to be renewed every year. Also, buns will need dated registration tags that are clearly visible.
- You are required to have a license that certifies you as being competent to use a firearm. This extends to mental health as well.
- Assault type weapons and other mil-spec weapons may only be used by people registered with a local militia. Said militia must drill at least once a month in order to maintain their status.
- The background check system must be digitized and simplified to a basic pass-fail system. This will enable gun retailers to perform on-the-spot verification, as well as law enforcement and mental health professionals to quickly update the system.
- Just like cars, guns will need to be insured. This insurance is not only for potential damages caused by the weapon in the event of negligent or unlawful use, but also to cover for damages to the weapon itself and even outright theft. The premiums charged will encourage gun owners to police themselves.
- Guns may not be owned by anyone under the age of 21, unless currently serving in the armed forces. Parents that wish to take their children shooting must have additional training and have their gun license show the a 'family' endorsement, or to a certified firing range. Anyone under the age of 21 is not to be permitted to use a firearm unless under supervision by qualified individuals. No exceptions, not even for hunting - when hunting the buddy system should apply regardless!!!
All this I believe is very fair and just, and I believe will increase accountability to the point where shootings like these will largely become a thing of the past.
And additionally - I fail to understand why people ignore this so emphatically - YOU NEED TO TREAT THE DISEASE AND NOT JUST THE SYMPTOMS!
I would think that the Austin Bombings would be a clear enough indicator of this. He made those bombs entirely out of household materials and with no formal training whatsoever. When the police were approaching him, he intentionally killed himself using one of his own devices. And he has proven that bombs are a far more terrifying weapon than guns. Bombs are utterly indiscriminate when they detonate as their entire purpose is to spread as much damage in as wide of an area as possible. One of them detonated in a sorting facility. It did not care that it had not reached its destination.
You can see the mad man armed with assault weapons and carrying ballistic armor. You do not see the bomb coming. It is innocuous. It does not look out of place. You are not even aware of the possibility until it is too late. Spotting them requires a level of paranoia that, I believe, is emphatically unhealthy. You will always be worried about what is lurking, unseen.
People love to talk about bump stocks and how the Las Vegas shooter used them to such an effect. But what everyone doesn't discuss is the fact that this madman had 50 POUNDS OF TANNERITE IN HIS CAR!!! And all rigged so that he can blow it with a single gunshot.
Any and all of your arguments on this front are officially invalid. Bombs are not complex. They can be made entirely out of household products. Even the explosive itself can be easy to make, highly stable, and require only a basic initiator.
These products are all things that you cannot reasonably regulate without turning our nation into a police state, though I know some of you would argue that it already is.
The only fix for this is to treat the underlying disease. Otherwise... go ahead. Ban as many guns as you like. It won't matter in the end. Instead, you'll see more and more Mark Anthony Conditts. I will sit here and wonder how much worse it will get before anyone begins to wake up to the notion that there is something horribly wrong in our country that needs to be fixed, and no amount of bans will do it.
Stop trying to sweep the real problem under the rug! You want to honor the lives of those that have been lost? FIX THE REAL PROBLEM.