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"The anti-Trump resistance should stop bringing knives to a gunfight"
RE: "The anti-Trump resistance should stop bringing knives to a gunfight"
(04-04-2018, 12:41 PM)hazard Wrote: It's more that the tactics are distasteful and absolutely horrible when you want to arrive at any sort of sensible compromise.

Which explains why the Tea Party and the far right are using them. They don't want a sensible compromise, they want a capitulation to their values.

Are these really people who one wants to compromise with?

They seem to me to be the type who use what Yes Prime Minister called "salami tactics" - carve off a slice at a time and eventually get everything you want. (Side A wants X, Side B wants Y. In an actual compromise, both sides get (X+Y)/2. In "salami tactics", the first step is that both sides get (X+Y)/2, then Side A says "time to negotiate again" and if Side B doesn't use the same tactics, both sides end up with (X+X+Y)/3, then Side A repeats and both sides get (X+X+X+Y)/4, and so on. Eventually, Side A gets X or close enough not to matter, and Side B gave it to them a slice at a time.)

If somebody wants everything and doesn't want to compromise, then it's foolhardy to offer them a compromise. One has to freeze these people out of the negotiation process so that everyone else can reach compromises and stick to them. If somebody isn't willing to play fair, then they don't get to play at all.
Rob Kelk

Sticks and stones can break your bones,
But words can break your heart.
- unknown

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RE: "The anti-Trump resistance should stop bringing knives to a gunfight" - by robkelk - 04-04-2018, 04:25 PM

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