Part of it Dartz is that here in the States we have recognized that sometimes the government IS the bad guy and has to be forcibly shown the door. The purpose of the first two amendments is to provide the individual the ability to organize under the first, and them be armed under the second to a comparable level against what the government might bring against the citizen. That way if the government goes too far and say, decides that the current administration will not step down at the end of their terms, the people have not only the right, but the physical capability to remove them.
Now I'm going to ask Dartz, why does your law specifically deny you the right to own a gun specifically for protection, do not officials have ARMED security to protect them at all hours? Why should you be any less important or valuable? There is a bumper sticker over here in the states that reads "I carry a gun because a cop is too heavy. " It is half in jest, but not wrong. The police can't be everywhere and people do need to be able to defend themselves at something other than point blank/ hand to hand range.
Now I'm going to ask Dartz, why does your law specifically deny you the right to own a gun specifically for protection, do not officials have ARMED security to protect them at all hours? Why should you be any less important or valuable? There is a bumper sticker over here in the states that reads "I carry a gun because a cop is too heavy. " It is half in jest, but not wrong. The police can't be everywhere and people do need to be able to defend themselves at something other than point blank/ hand to hand range.
Wolf wins every fight but the one where he dies, fangs locked around the throat of his opponent.
Currently writing BROBd
Currently writing BROBd