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"It's always too soon to talk about gun control"
RE: "It's always too soon to talk about gun control"
Mob rule appears to be easier and more common with FPTP systems than with any other democratic system. In no small part because with FPTP the only thing that matters is who has the most votes compared to everyone else in a district, as that one gets all the power. Any other system, which divide seats more proportionally depending on the number of votes cast among all districts, leaves greater difficulty when it comes to achieving and maintaining a majority, and requires party coalitions in the representative bodies of the government. This helps stabilize the situation and fractures power and ideology so it becomes harder to establish mob rule.

As to the coverage of Trump vs Obama?

You realise that the mainstream media didn't exactly give Obama a pass? And that Fox News was at best very obviously slanted against him? And that with Trump now in power that channel can't stop fellating him? And that the mainstream media are still not giving everyone else a pass and are requiring they do a good job regardless? And that the main reason everyone there are running so many segments about Trump and his administration is because even if you don't like the previous Republican governments the current one is a shitshow of incompetence, corruption and scandal?

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RE: "It's always too soon to talk about gun control" - by hazard - 04-08-2018, 04:08 AM

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