In regards to causality, we (and our accompanying tennants) will be the only ones to notice because we're the ones not 'native' to the Metacontinuity.
But that will kinda change as more and more 'immigrants' come in. For example, the Jyurians are gonna be mighty surprised when a good portion of their Empire is cohabitated by a certain empire of space elves.
(Just saying it right now: Seto will fucking adore the shit out of Lafiel - she is exactly her kind of partner in crime: cunning, brutal, and competitive under a veneer of poise and elegance, but also with an incredibly passionate heart. She will sic her bachelorettes on Jinto just to get Lafiel by extension into the Royal Family.)
But that will kinda change as more and more 'immigrants' come in. For example, the Jyurians are gonna be mighty surprised when a good portion of their Empire is cohabitated by a certain empire of space elves.
(Just saying it right now: Seto will fucking adore the shit out of Lafiel - she is exactly her kind of partner in crime: cunning, brutal, and competitive under a veneer of poise and elegance, but also with an incredibly passionate heart. She will sic her bachelorettes on Jinto just to get Lafiel by extension into the Royal Family.)