From "Goddess of Wisdom" by Quickdeath007 (SG-1 AU, the Goa'uld Athena catches a clue in the early seasons) on Spacebattles
Quote:Colonel Jack O`Niell stepped onto the ramp, straight through the shimmering blue Event Horizon of the Stargate. One minute he was the SGC, the next, in the middle of wide open grasslands, a packed dirt road trailing off towards a forest.
The Stargate shut down behind him, Carter and Teal`c on either side of him, Jackson presumably behind him. "Damn," O`Neill muttered.
"Sir?" Carter asked.
"I was hoping there'd be something the MALP didn't catch... just a whole lotta nothing out here."
Teal`c peered at the forest. "O`Neill, should we not follow the trail before declaring this world to be empty?"
O`Neill gave a sigh, looking through his binoculars towards the forest. More nothing. Great. "That's the problem Teal`c. I'm Air Force. I hate walking."
Teal`c quirked an eyebrow at him. "I do not understand why being in the Air Force would make you so adverse to walking."
O`Neill frowned. He hated having to explain his jokes.
"Perhaps it is because I was trained as what you would call an infantryman. Now that I reflect upon it, the pilots of the Death Gliders always were a bit underdeveloped. Too much time spent relaxing in a padded seat."
O`Neill stared at Teal`c, having to take a moment to confirm that, yes, Teal`c just pulled a Chair Force joke on him. It's the quiet ones you have to look out for.