RE: Anyone interested in CYOAs here?
06-15-2018, 10:52 PM (This post was last modified: 06-15-2018, 10:53 PM by classicdrogn.)
06-15-2018, 10:52 PM (This post was last modified: 06-15-2018, 10:53 PM by classicdrogn.)
Choose Your Own Adventure - not like the classic books, but in the form of (usually point-buy) options that are more or less (often less, because game design is hard) balanced to create a character or pick a room mate/love interest/etc. which then nominally engage in some form of amusing hijinks, but usually just get a few minimal records of what options people picked posted to their web site of choice and forgotten. Some of them have been developed enough to be actual RPGs, like the Accidental magical Girl CYOA, others are close, the vast majority are "pick your waifu and get powers/loot/etc. for free" and at least pointedly hint at lewds here and there. Archdemon and most of the ones I consider really good are quite tame in the latter respect. There's a recurrent CYOA General thread on 4chan and a second specifically for the Jumpchain subgenre of them, and at least used to be one for the AMGCYOA I mentioned as well, there's also a reddit I can't remember the name of and a general thread on Spacebattles along with a lot of fics, quests, and even more first-chapter-character-creation-but-then-it-dies versions of both.
Very much a mixed bag, but the top percentiles are really amazing.
Very much a mixed bag, but the top percentiles are really amazing.