Large numbers of whom were would-be immigrants. Of the Third-Class passengers on Titanic, 387 out of 462 men died; 89 out of 165 women; 52 of 79 children.* "And some, I assume, were good people."
Still, it's anti-Semitic to blame the ice for the sinking (Iceberg — Goldberg; what's the difference?).
* Numbers taken from Walter Lord's The Night Lives On, 1986.
“We’ve had our differences, but he’s seen the light … and I made sure he moved toward it, instead of coming back.”
Still, it's anti-Semitic to blame the ice for the sinking (Iceberg — Goldberg; what's the difference?).
* Numbers taken from Walter Lord's The Night Lives On, 1986.
“We’ve had our differences, but he’s seen the light … and I made sure he moved toward it, instead of coming back.”