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Aces High!
RE: Aces High!
To: pyrotechie@stellvia.fen
From: anika-daini@friggarock.fen
Subj: Re: One more change....

I had to read up, but I understand....

We raised more than I expected - I think we raised more than anyone expected. Not top ten outright, but top-ten users/money.



(Meta: and I never got the notification for the response >,<)


To: [userslist]
From: anika-daini@friggarock.fen
Subj: Updates and More

Hi All,


Main news this week.

The Nikaido foundation has sent a special thank you message for everyone who contributed. Aoi-chan extends her thanks to every Ace out there. If you contributed anything at all, you'll find her message in your inbox. She also made one simple request....

Along with it, are some non-combat missions. Delivering food and suipplies, constructing settlements, search and rescue. Challenging, precision flying stuff that takes absolute concentration and a sharp eye.

Try fly them in a Bolitho. Or, if you're after variety.

Also added in is a Prototype of something we're calling the 'Drasgonfly'. It's basically just a Hokum's twin rotor drive assembly and engines, with a large forward cockpit, a tail-rudder, and the ability to carry about 4 tons of cargo.... anything from simple freight, to water tanks, to passenger modules.

This is an actual engineering design study model we've been using 'Aces' to test fly, so don't tell Jet I've put this out. The prototype's only just been built and hasn't had its first flight yet.

News 2.

"Noriko and Kasumi AI"

The Hi-Streamer engineering prototype served as sort of a test-bed for a few things I've been working on. First of all, it's the electronic warfare modules that've so far proved to be a bit incomplete. There's a lot of real stuff you can do that we can't properly model, so it's really just scripted rather than giving you actual repeatable results. They're a good approximation and give a good 'feel' but if it's something you know anthing about, you can see the cracks.

The other thing it tested, was proper VI multicrew.

The current crew models we have are.... a bit dumb to put it mildly. Hi-Streamer really doesn't work well without somebody in the back seat, and if you're in the back the basic AI Pilot up-front will be just awful at keeping you safe so rather than work on upgrading the Ewar systems or client stability I've added some proper VI to the Hi-Streamer's model. If you want to spend an entire mission in the back seat, you can and it'll feel almost like you're being flown by a human pilot.

The AI has visual awareness - limited both by what she's looking at in the cockpit, what the aircraft is doing, or whether she's been injured or not. She responds to your actions, positively or negatively. She'll warn you about threats she's spotted and she'll work with you as part of a team. It works especially well if you have voice enable.

"Kasumi" will operate the back seat, if you're in the front. She's the ISO model . Calm, collected and efficient.
"Noriko" will operate the front, if youi're in back. She's the Pilot. She's an aggresive flying style and likes to throw the jet around.

The first person to tell me where the names came from gets a Hi-Streamer pack. Ithe VI module also makes the pack a bit heavy on your system so you might need a dedicated VI coprocessor to make them work at the right framrates until I figure out how to optimise their matrices.

If you have the pack, let me know how it's working for you and we'll start rolling Noriko and Kasumi out to other aircraft.

Until Next Time

I love the smell of rotaries in the morning. You know one time, I got to work early, before the rush hour. I walked through the empty carpark, I didn't see one bloody Prius or Golf. And that smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole carpark, smelled like.... ....speed.

One day they're going to ban them.

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Re: Aces High! - by Dartz - 07-30-2017, 08:13 PM

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