RE: Pieces of Me (SI, Mass-X-Over, RFC, Warning: Rated Hard-R)
08-10-2018, 02:52 AM (This post was last modified: 08-10-2018, 03:06 AM by MarshalGraves.)
08-10-2018, 02:52 AM (This post was last modified: 08-10-2018, 03:06 AM by MarshalGraves.)
Grills are awesome. Anyway, I keep running into the huge problem of having a war to fight, and having a war to write.
I suck so much at combat sequences. Also, the birdy for this one is quietly expiring. So, for now, I'll post the bullet-points of things I wanted to hit with this before moving on.
- JJ trains with the ponies to get a feel for them, slowly gains Iron Hoof's respect. Meanwhile, Command Center is churning out more neosteel for a bigger, better Command Center. Fourth iteration is available, due to process streamlining as refinements are made. JJ loses patience and begins constructing an SCV on his own.
- JJ goes off to war. Gryphons decidedly have an advantage, due to the large numbers of aerial opponents, but mages and pegasi can hold their own. JJ is primarily using himself as an armorer and a tactical relay, as the command center does not manufacture bullets, and he only has a few magazines for Sierra Staccato, one spare each for Alpha Lucis and Ebon Echo, and two moon-clips for the Kingsguard.
- JJ ends up in a foxhole with two Earth Pony brothers, Private Samuel Smith and Private Little Mac. They get to talking, and JJ finds out they're from a somewhat-recently-settled Ponyville. A friendship strikes up.
- Shit goes from bad to worse in a rapid sort of fashion when the gryphons start wheeling out explosives and cannons. Samuel Smith is right in the path of an air-dropped keg. JJ dives him out of the way. Sam loses a foreleg. A furious, and wounded, JJ spends every single round he has making the gryphons regret their new tactic. Terrified, the gryphons temporarily retreat.
- Pissed off, JJ finishes the SCV and begins constructing a Barracks. He rushes it, trying to get a Tech Lab out so he can heal his new friend. Little Mac is remarkably sanguine about the whole thing, trying to get JJ to calm down by reminding him that he only lost a leg, instead of the life he would've lost without JJ's presence. Iron Hoof and JJ become friends.
- JJ finishes the Barracks. He begins construction of the Tech Lab, and assigns his Command Center's A.I. to operate the SCV to construct a full Command Center, then an Engineering Bay, almost four months earlier than expected. He takes Little Mac and Sam as his apprentices, and begins teaching them what it means to be a Terran Engineer.
- Little Mac and JJ affix a neosteel prosthetic to Samuel. Combined with the prosthetic foreleg and the country accent, JJ has serious flashbacks to the Hyperion's Swann. All three make bullets for JJ's weapons.
- JJ sets the SCV to build missile turrets along the border, deterring airships from crossing the mountains, and begins a systematic lone-Marine Rush when he finds out Sam's wife, Honey Smith, is pregnant.
- Two months of JJ's efforts see the gryphons suing for peace. They attempt to broker the peace in JJ's full Command Center while he's recycling his five 'failure' CCs. The gryphons do not appreciate the presence of their boogeyman, and late at night, attempt to burn the Engineering Bay down while Sam and Little Mac are working on Sam's leg. Little Mac refuses to leave without his brother, Sam can't get out fast enough, and JJ is terrified of fire. JJ overcomes his fear, forcing himself inside to carry Sam out.
- Furiously pissed, JJ does something he swore not to do. He builds a Factory and a single Goliath. Less than a week later, the Gryphons are suing for peace again. Unbeknownst to JJ, Celestia has been watching him the whole time. She did not cry because he was ugly, she cried because she could not imagine a life that had seen so much pain.
- Celestia, nearly Daybreaker angry about what the gryphons have done to JJ, forces an unpleasant surrender with very unfavorable conditions on the gryphons. War over, JJ elects to move his 'outpost' to Ponyville. Samuel Smith offers JJ a large parcel of land, in deference to JJ saving his life and giving him his leg back. JJ is utterly floored when he finds out that this 'land' is part of Sweet Apple Acres. Sam and Little Mac reintroduce themselves, Samuel Smith Apple and Little Macintosh Apple. JJ realizes Sam's wife, Honey Smith, will one day become Granny Smith.
- JJ settles down in Ponyville, and slowly becomes more and more despondent. He continues to teach Little Mac and Sam about Terran technology, but they are the only two citizens who prop him up. Celestia visits, every now and then, enjoying JJ's company and trying to ease him into a life without war. She brings him books and informs him of the mages' progress, which is always none. JJ's dimensional attachment was severed, seemingly twice, and whatever did it *meant* to do it. Over time, JJ begins to genuinely develop feelings for Celestia, who at least seems to appreciate his attention as he is not her subject and certainly not in awe of her.
- Slight racism and severe anti-war sentiment begin to drag JJ's sanity down. Eventually, he begs Celestia to put him down. If she has any love in her heart for him, she'll put him out of this madness. Saddened, Celestia accepts and gives him a week to get his affairs in order. Grateful, JJ links all of his outpost buildings together to save space and begins lockdown procedures. He leaves the reconstructed Engineering Bay open to Little Mac and Sam alone, by way of DNA scan. He tells them to open it up as a school, if they want, or shut it down when the AI thinks they've learned enough. Sam and Little Mac tearfully hug it out with JJ before Celestia shows up and he kits up in his Barracks.
- Instead of 'putting him down', Celestia puts a simple sleep spell on JJ. She does not know when, or if it will break. JJ sleeps, unknowing of the change. JJ has haunting nightmares of three pairs of eyes, one burning red, backlit by shadow and rage. One, bright and blue, but slowly fading, covered and surrounded in shadow. Both feel familiar. A third pair of eyes, a soft yellow, is fading more rapidly, but is backlit by a white light. It tells JJ to awaken and fulfil his charge.
- Fifty years later, the Summer Sun Celebration is kicking off, and a certain purple unicorn is in charge of preparations. She visits everypony she can find, making certain everything will be perfect. However, an ongoing error in Canterlot has JJ listed as still in residence. She decides to knock that out at the same time she knocks out the visit to SAA.
- Samuel Smith, hale, hearty, and strong despite his artificial limb, is not much one for the Canterlot-nob, feeling their rich-bitch attitude is partially to blame for the 'death' of one of his best friends, and his grandson, Big Mac (named after his great-uncle, Little Mac) somewhat shares in the attitude. AJ is still AJ, but she's a mite more tech-savvy, thanks to the Tombstone Machinist's 'Apple Engineering Academy'. Twilight pisses off the Apples when she insists on visiting the 'living quarters' to see what contribution 'Commander Johnathan James Graves' will offer to the SSC.
- Twilight sensing the sleeping spell and breaks it, feeling that a sleeping disorder and the idiotic means to overcome it are absolutely no excuse to piss on her teacher's big day. She grumps off, muttering about lazy self-medicating idiots and wanders off, further irritating the Apples.
- JJ wakes up, slowly, but surely, just in time for the sun not to rise. His AI powers on, warning him of a Class 12 Psionic Waveform being detected. JJ, freaked out at *not being dead* and figuring he has, once again, managed to planeswalk upon 'death', does not realize he is in *his* outpost. He jumps from his bunk and into the set of Marine Armor (Raider-coloured, for nostalgia's sake) in preparation for what he thinks is Kerrigan's attack. Forgoing his usual armaments, he grabs his lone C-14 Impaler GR. He does not remember his dreams.
- JJ exits the outpost in the direction of the disturbance, directly into the Everfree. He sees flashes of light, and charges towards them, scaring off various shadows before he can properly see them. Finds himself in the vicinity of the Castle of the Two Sisters.
- JJ applies violence to the Nightmare Moon problem. Twilight and the others take advantage of the distraction and use the Elements of Harmony to purge NM from Luna. Celestia shows up and, after hugging her sister, takes great joy in seeing JJ awake. JJ is completely flummoxed.
- JJ then realizes he was shooting at Best Pony. BSOD's.
- Cue MLP:FiM stories as usual, with JJ only appearing from time to time to teach at the AEA, comfort (or study) Spike, and try to keep things morally-sanguine. Due to his lack of knowledge of the show, he tries to avoid getting too involved. Despite this, Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash are frequent visitors to his Barracks. JJ has begun construction of a Starport and an Armory, because he wants to go to space. Also, he really, really wants a Viking. Celestia and Luna are also frequent visitors. Unbeknownst to JJ, the sisters are developing a spell to make a pony into a humanoid form. Also, they are fighting over which he finds more attractive (the answer to which is 'both').
- Discord wakes up. Immediately tries to out-and-out *murder* JJ. While wearing a Starfleet uniform from TOS. Discord says that, while he brings chaos, JJ's presence will only bring *pain*. JJ has a flashback to a pair of burning red eyes surrounded by darkness. Discord is defeated, and before he petrifies, he tells JJ that, regardless of all of that, he still appreciated being JJ's friend. And he really likes the hat.
- At some point, Celestia shows up in humanoid form and tries to...have fun with JJ. JJ reluctantly shoots her down, asks her why her spell all those years ago kept him in stasis. She replies that it did not, it was only a sleep spell. She thought it was biologically normal for his people not to age, much like herself and Luna. JJ BSOD's.
- JJ is invited to the wedding of Cadence and Shining. Wears a monkey suit. Hates it. Remembers what happens and backs Twilight to the hilt. Chrysalis does not like JJ's interference. JJ, wearing a Nyx-class Infiltrator's Suit, gets into a 'psionic' battle with Chrysalis before Celestia can, getting his ass handed to him, hard. While this is happening, his Adjutant informs him that the presence of Vespene gas has been detected.
- Cadence thanks JJ, and upon questioning, directs him to the Badlands, where the Changelings live. JJ moves a vespene refinery out there to collect the gas, as he figures Changelings are rife with the stuff, they would live where it does.
- JJ goes with the Mane Six to the Crystal Empire, taking them by flying building rather than train. He settles his outpost just outside of the Empire, and tells them to go about their business while he prepares for the fight with Sombra he knows is coming. Sombra hands JJ his tail.
- JJ, deciding that he is faster than he is strong, decides to help Spike get the Crystal Heart where it needs to go. During this escapade, JJ accidentally comes into contact with the CH. Immediately, JJ receives a vision. The yellow eyes reveal themselves, a Xel'naga, that informs JJ that it took him from Earth, and then from Corenna, so that this meeting could happen. It is named 'Osiris', and has retreated from Amon's rampage to try and find a way to save the Xel'naga. It was in hiding, here, on Equestria, a failed experiment in the Infinite Cycle, knowing that Amon's hubris would not allow him to look through his kind's failures to find them. It matters little, however, as he is dying. JJ will house his power, and grant it to the two Races of the Cycle and create two new Xel'naga to battle Amon in the 'likely event that Ouros' plan fails'. JJ is unhappy with this. It is already done, however, and Osiris fades away.
- In reality, JJ is filled with a bright, bright light, and the CH spontaneously begins to operate like a Pylon. The Crystal Empire is covered in a gold-colored psionic field, and JJ's power and feelings begin to flow into everyone. Sombra's rear is handed to him, and when the light dims, JJ is...different. He stands taller, more muscular, and his neosteel arm has been replaced with a white-and-gilt Protoss-inspired limb, complete with psi-blade.
- JJ *feels* Amon notice this exchange, not to mention the psionic pulse is enough to reach through the cosmos and touch the minds of every one of the Khalai and the Overmind. Through the psionic field, every pony in the Crystal Empire feels and realizes this, as well. The Crystal Empire begins to assist JJ in his construction project (a Battlecruiser), and begs Celestia and Luna to look up a way to combine planar travel with his BC's jump drive. He needs to leave. Amon's attention will be on him. If JJ leaves, hopefully, Amon will not come to destroy Equestria.
- Tearful goodbyes are had. With a promise to return once Amon is dead and gone, JJ takes off and vanishes into the unknown....with stowaways. His planned destination...the Koprulu Sector.
I suck so much at combat sequences. Also, the birdy for this one is quietly expiring. So, for now, I'll post the bullet-points of things I wanted to hit with this before moving on.
- JJ trains with the ponies to get a feel for them, slowly gains Iron Hoof's respect. Meanwhile, Command Center is churning out more neosteel for a bigger, better Command Center. Fourth iteration is available, due to process streamlining as refinements are made. JJ loses patience and begins constructing an SCV on his own.
- JJ goes off to war. Gryphons decidedly have an advantage, due to the large numbers of aerial opponents, but mages and pegasi can hold their own. JJ is primarily using himself as an armorer and a tactical relay, as the command center does not manufacture bullets, and he only has a few magazines for Sierra Staccato, one spare each for Alpha Lucis and Ebon Echo, and two moon-clips for the Kingsguard.
- JJ ends up in a foxhole with two Earth Pony brothers, Private Samuel Smith and Private Little Mac. They get to talking, and JJ finds out they're from a somewhat-recently-settled Ponyville. A friendship strikes up.
- Shit goes from bad to worse in a rapid sort of fashion when the gryphons start wheeling out explosives and cannons. Samuel Smith is right in the path of an air-dropped keg. JJ dives him out of the way. Sam loses a foreleg. A furious, and wounded, JJ spends every single round he has making the gryphons regret their new tactic. Terrified, the gryphons temporarily retreat.
- Pissed off, JJ finishes the SCV and begins constructing a Barracks. He rushes it, trying to get a Tech Lab out so he can heal his new friend. Little Mac is remarkably sanguine about the whole thing, trying to get JJ to calm down by reminding him that he only lost a leg, instead of the life he would've lost without JJ's presence. Iron Hoof and JJ become friends.
- JJ finishes the Barracks. He begins construction of the Tech Lab, and assigns his Command Center's A.I. to operate the SCV to construct a full Command Center, then an Engineering Bay, almost four months earlier than expected. He takes Little Mac and Sam as his apprentices, and begins teaching them what it means to be a Terran Engineer.
- Little Mac and JJ affix a neosteel prosthetic to Samuel. Combined with the prosthetic foreleg and the country accent, JJ has serious flashbacks to the Hyperion's Swann. All three make bullets for JJ's weapons.
- JJ sets the SCV to build missile turrets along the border, deterring airships from crossing the mountains, and begins a systematic lone-Marine Rush when he finds out Sam's wife, Honey Smith, is pregnant.
- Two months of JJ's efforts see the gryphons suing for peace. They attempt to broker the peace in JJ's full Command Center while he's recycling his five 'failure' CCs. The gryphons do not appreciate the presence of their boogeyman, and late at night, attempt to burn the Engineering Bay down while Sam and Little Mac are working on Sam's leg. Little Mac refuses to leave without his brother, Sam can't get out fast enough, and JJ is terrified of fire. JJ overcomes his fear, forcing himself inside to carry Sam out.
- Furiously pissed, JJ does something he swore not to do. He builds a Factory and a single Goliath. Less than a week later, the Gryphons are suing for peace again. Unbeknownst to JJ, Celestia has been watching him the whole time. She did not cry because he was ugly, she cried because she could not imagine a life that had seen so much pain.
- Celestia, nearly Daybreaker angry about what the gryphons have done to JJ, forces an unpleasant surrender with very unfavorable conditions on the gryphons. War over, JJ elects to move his 'outpost' to Ponyville. Samuel Smith offers JJ a large parcel of land, in deference to JJ saving his life and giving him his leg back. JJ is utterly floored when he finds out that this 'land' is part of Sweet Apple Acres. Sam and Little Mac reintroduce themselves, Samuel Smith Apple and Little Macintosh Apple. JJ realizes Sam's wife, Honey Smith, will one day become Granny Smith.
- JJ settles down in Ponyville, and slowly becomes more and more despondent. He continues to teach Little Mac and Sam about Terran technology, but they are the only two citizens who prop him up. Celestia visits, every now and then, enjoying JJ's company and trying to ease him into a life without war. She brings him books and informs him of the mages' progress, which is always none. JJ's dimensional attachment was severed, seemingly twice, and whatever did it *meant* to do it. Over time, JJ begins to genuinely develop feelings for Celestia, who at least seems to appreciate his attention as he is not her subject and certainly not in awe of her.
- Slight racism and severe anti-war sentiment begin to drag JJ's sanity down. Eventually, he begs Celestia to put him down. If she has any love in her heart for him, she'll put him out of this madness. Saddened, Celestia accepts and gives him a week to get his affairs in order. Grateful, JJ links all of his outpost buildings together to save space and begins lockdown procedures. He leaves the reconstructed Engineering Bay open to Little Mac and Sam alone, by way of DNA scan. He tells them to open it up as a school, if they want, or shut it down when the AI thinks they've learned enough. Sam and Little Mac tearfully hug it out with JJ before Celestia shows up and he kits up in his Barracks.
- Instead of 'putting him down', Celestia puts a simple sleep spell on JJ. She does not know when, or if it will break. JJ sleeps, unknowing of the change. JJ has haunting nightmares of three pairs of eyes, one burning red, backlit by shadow and rage. One, bright and blue, but slowly fading, covered and surrounded in shadow. Both feel familiar. A third pair of eyes, a soft yellow, is fading more rapidly, but is backlit by a white light. It tells JJ to awaken and fulfil his charge.
- Fifty years later, the Summer Sun Celebration is kicking off, and a certain purple unicorn is in charge of preparations. She visits everypony she can find, making certain everything will be perfect. However, an ongoing error in Canterlot has JJ listed as still in residence. She decides to knock that out at the same time she knocks out the visit to SAA.
- Samuel Smith, hale, hearty, and strong despite his artificial limb, is not much one for the Canterlot-nob, feeling their rich-bitch attitude is partially to blame for the 'death' of one of his best friends, and his grandson, Big Mac (named after his great-uncle, Little Mac) somewhat shares in the attitude. AJ is still AJ, but she's a mite more tech-savvy, thanks to the Tombstone Machinist's 'Apple Engineering Academy'. Twilight pisses off the Apples when she insists on visiting the 'living quarters' to see what contribution 'Commander Johnathan James Graves' will offer to the SSC.
- Twilight sensing the sleeping spell and breaks it, feeling that a sleeping disorder and the idiotic means to overcome it are absolutely no excuse to piss on her teacher's big day. She grumps off, muttering about lazy self-medicating idiots and wanders off, further irritating the Apples.
- JJ wakes up, slowly, but surely, just in time for the sun not to rise. His AI powers on, warning him of a Class 12 Psionic Waveform being detected. JJ, freaked out at *not being dead* and figuring he has, once again, managed to planeswalk upon 'death', does not realize he is in *his* outpost. He jumps from his bunk and into the set of Marine Armor (Raider-coloured, for nostalgia's sake) in preparation for what he thinks is Kerrigan's attack. Forgoing his usual armaments, he grabs his lone C-14 Impaler GR. He does not remember his dreams.
- JJ exits the outpost in the direction of the disturbance, directly into the Everfree. He sees flashes of light, and charges towards them, scaring off various shadows before he can properly see them. Finds himself in the vicinity of the Castle of the Two Sisters.
- JJ applies violence to the Nightmare Moon problem. Twilight and the others take advantage of the distraction and use the Elements of Harmony to purge NM from Luna. Celestia shows up and, after hugging her sister, takes great joy in seeing JJ awake. JJ is completely flummoxed.
- JJ then realizes he was shooting at Best Pony. BSOD's.
- Cue MLP:FiM stories as usual, with JJ only appearing from time to time to teach at the AEA, comfort (or study) Spike, and try to keep things morally-sanguine. Due to his lack of knowledge of the show, he tries to avoid getting too involved. Despite this, Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash are frequent visitors to his Barracks. JJ has begun construction of a Starport and an Armory, because he wants to go to space. Also, he really, really wants a Viking. Celestia and Luna are also frequent visitors. Unbeknownst to JJ, the sisters are developing a spell to make a pony into a humanoid form. Also, they are fighting over which he finds more attractive (the answer to which is 'both').
- Discord wakes up. Immediately tries to out-and-out *murder* JJ. While wearing a Starfleet uniform from TOS. Discord says that, while he brings chaos, JJ's presence will only bring *pain*. JJ has a flashback to a pair of burning red eyes surrounded by darkness. Discord is defeated, and before he petrifies, he tells JJ that, regardless of all of that, he still appreciated being JJ's friend. And he really likes the hat.
- At some point, Celestia shows up in humanoid form and tries to...have fun with JJ. JJ reluctantly shoots her down, asks her why her spell all those years ago kept him in stasis. She replies that it did not, it was only a sleep spell. She thought it was biologically normal for his people not to age, much like herself and Luna. JJ BSOD's.
- JJ is invited to the wedding of Cadence and Shining. Wears a monkey suit. Hates it. Remembers what happens and backs Twilight to the hilt. Chrysalis does not like JJ's interference. JJ, wearing a Nyx-class Infiltrator's Suit, gets into a 'psionic' battle with Chrysalis before Celestia can, getting his ass handed to him, hard. While this is happening, his Adjutant informs him that the presence of Vespene gas has been detected.
- Cadence thanks JJ, and upon questioning, directs him to the Badlands, where the Changelings live. JJ moves a vespene refinery out there to collect the gas, as he figures Changelings are rife with the stuff, they would live where it does.
- JJ goes with the Mane Six to the Crystal Empire, taking them by flying building rather than train. He settles his outpost just outside of the Empire, and tells them to go about their business while he prepares for the fight with Sombra he knows is coming. Sombra hands JJ his tail.
- JJ, deciding that he is faster than he is strong, decides to help Spike get the Crystal Heart where it needs to go. During this escapade, JJ accidentally comes into contact with the CH. Immediately, JJ receives a vision. The yellow eyes reveal themselves, a Xel'naga, that informs JJ that it took him from Earth, and then from Corenna, so that this meeting could happen. It is named 'Osiris', and has retreated from Amon's rampage to try and find a way to save the Xel'naga. It was in hiding, here, on Equestria, a failed experiment in the Infinite Cycle, knowing that Amon's hubris would not allow him to look through his kind's failures to find them. It matters little, however, as he is dying. JJ will house his power, and grant it to the two Races of the Cycle and create two new Xel'naga to battle Amon in the 'likely event that Ouros' plan fails'. JJ is unhappy with this. It is already done, however, and Osiris fades away.
- In reality, JJ is filled with a bright, bright light, and the CH spontaneously begins to operate like a Pylon. The Crystal Empire is covered in a gold-colored psionic field, and JJ's power and feelings begin to flow into everyone. Sombra's rear is handed to him, and when the light dims, JJ is...different. He stands taller, more muscular, and his neosteel arm has been replaced with a white-and-gilt Protoss-inspired limb, complete with psi-blade.
- JJ *feels* Amon notice this exchange, not to mention the psionic pulse is enough to reach through the cosmos and touch the minds of every one of the Khalai and the Overmind. Through the psionic field, every pony in the Crystal Empire feels and realizes this, as well. The Crystal Empire begins to assist JJ in his construction project (a Battlecruiser), and begs Celestia and Luna to look up a way to combine planar travel with his BC's jump drive. He needs to leave. Amon's attention will be on him. If JJ leaves, hopefully, Amon will not come to destroy Equestria.
- Tearful goodbyes are had. With a promise to return once Amon is dead and gone, JJ takes off and vanishes into the unknown....with stowaways. His planned destination...the Koprulu Sector.
I need your help. I was in a hit-and-run accident. Click on the link to see the gofundme campaign with the details.