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Ever dreamed of taking a Kalashnikov to work?
RE: Ever dreamed of taking a Kalashnikov to work?
Huh. It does have a certain chunky retro charm to it, but more importantly if Kalashnikov can pull off the kind of infantry-proofed* engineering (and relative price-point) that makes their most iconic product so legendary it could very well become a serious contender. I'd be willing to be seen in one, though it's a safe bet a lot of the various safety equipment required for US road certification is not standard or even standard options. I doubt it "smells like speed" either Wink

* Maxim 48 reads "If it ain't broke, it hasn't been issued to the infantry," but the AK-47 is legendary for just plain not breaking under the most horrible conditions of manufacturing and use.
‎noli esse culus

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RE: Ever dreamed of taking a Kalashnikov to work? - by classicdrogn - 08-25-2018, 06:33 PM

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